Forward To The Book
All praises and adoration belong to Allah, May His peace and blessings be upon the Noble soul of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his household, companions and the generality of believers till the day of Resurrection.
"The Guide" remains an invaluable handbook that serves as a quick access to essential clinical tips for students undergoing their Paediatrics' posting. This is the latest edition and it contains topics to guide clinical clerkship, physical examination, management of some body system diseases, management of common emergencies as well as a chapter on instrumentation and procedures. It however still does not serve as substitute for class notes, ward rounds and standard textbook. In fact, optimal benefit is derivable from it when used with them.
Our profound gratitude goes to our amiable father, teacher, and colleague in Islam, Prof. A. A. G. Jimoh, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, UITH, and Medical Director, Midland Fertility Centre, llorin, Kwara State for his continual moral and financial support, may
Allah continue to increase his resources.
May Allah reward our welcoming Supervisor and consultant in the department, Prof Gobir Aishat, Dr Muhammad Abdulkadir and Dr MAN Adeboye for their critical perusal and contributions and ensuring the success of this edition. Special thank also goes to all Muslim residents in the department for their invaluable contributions to this work. Your efforts are only rewardable by Allah. May Allah continue to increase the knowledge of our teachers who taught us 'Paediatrics', making it possible to put together this hand-book. We also, appreciate all the Muslim students who are the brain behind this. May Allah increase you all in knowledge.
Infallibility is only befitting of Allah, hence this edition is not absolutely free of mistakes owing to the imperfect nature of man. However,
we hope readers would found this edition more interesting and "'stuff-laden".
May Allah, make this effort beneficial to all its users, and purify and reward the good intentions of all contributors to it, making it solely for His face.
Academic Committee,
Muslim Students' Society of Nigeria
College of Health Sciences,
University of llorin.
Jumadal awwal 1440AH (February, 2019)