How to Induce Labor Naturally at Home Without any Medication

How to induce labor at home with your spouse

Doctor I'm already at 39 weeks, when will my labor start? I'm tired with a big belly, swollen feet and discomfort all around the pregnancy. Can I do something to induce the labor naturally? I wish my labor starts on its own naturally. Can I induce labor on my own naturally without going to the hospital? Yes, you can in some cases. 

What is labor induction?

So before we go let us give an insight on what is labor induction or inducing the labor. In layman language labor induction is the process of stimulating the uterus to start contractions before labor begins on its own naturally. 

How to induce labor naturally at home

Labor inductions are sometimes required for certain specific health reasons, like post-term pregnancy, which means that your EDD has gone and now your doctor wants you to deliver your baby on your own naturally, health complications like pregnancy-induced hypertension or gestational diabetes or premature rupture of membranes or sometimes decreased fetal movements. 

So if you are nearing your due date and looking for gentle and natural methods to encourage labor on your own or there is a medical reason to induce labor, this post is for you. You can read our post on signs of labor to know if the labor has begun.

Ways to Induce Labor Naturally Without any Drugs 

Let's continue our discussion today with the ways in which you can induce labor naturally without any medications. . 

 1. Walking and Exercise 

First in our list is physical activity such as walking and other forms of exercise, this can help to stimulate labor naturally by encouraging the baby to move down into the pelvis, applying pressure on the cervix and helping it to dilate. 

Gentle exercises like walking, squatting, ball exercises, duck walk and climbing stairs can also be beneficial. But always remember to listen to your body and avoid any over-exertion.

According to a research study in 2022, it was seen that walking for 30 minutes three times a week at 4 kilometers or 2.5 miles per hour starting from 38th week of pregnancy helped to induce labor naturally without taking any drug. It can also reduce interventions during the vaginal delivery. Second, nipple stimulation. 

2. Nipple Stimulation 

Nipples are rich in many nerve endings which carry information up to the brain. Stimulating the nipple can help release oxytocin which is a hormone which causes uterine contractions. Now this can be done manually by your spouse or with the help of a breast pump. 

However, it is essential to proceed with caution and consult with your doctor as excessive nipples stimulation can lead to overtly strong contractions. 

How to induce labor naturally with nipple stimulation 

Now let's understand how to do the nipple stimulation. So for the best result, you want to mimic the baby's latch as closely as you possibly. 

You can use your fingers and stimulate your both nipples manually, ask your spouse to latch on your nipples and suck gently or use the breast pump. Focus on the areola, the areola is a dark circle which surrounds your actual nipple. 

When the baby is nursed, they massage the areola not just the nipple itself. So you can use your fingers or palm to gently rub your nipple or areola through thin clothing or directly on the skin. You can use an oil or a cream or a lubricant on your nipple to make it even more comfortable. 

But follow these guidelines to prevent any overstimulation. 

1. Focus on one breast at one time.

2. Limit the stimulation to just five minutes and then wait for another 15 minutes before trying again. 

3. Repeating nipple stimulation three times a day with each episode lasting for five minutes is actually good. 

4. The effects are seen usually after performing breast stimulation for at least three days. 

3. Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse can help induce labor in several ways. Semen contains prostaglandins which are chemicals which can help soften and ripen the cervix and orgasm can trigger uterine contractions. This method is generally considered safe for most pregnant individuals. 

But always remember to consult your health care provider or doctor if there are any complications or concerns, especially if you are diagnosed with the low-lying placenta, you have any history of vaginal bleeding, leaking or any kind of infections during the pregnancy. 

4. Eating some Foods

Eating certain foods is believed to help induce labor such as spicy foods, pineapple, raspberry, dates, okra water and so on.

While the effectiveness of these foods vary and there is no actual scientific data to verify or back these claims. However, still there is no risk involved and they can be tried. They can be a tasty and natural way to induce labor but once again remember to consume them in moderation only. 

Certain herbs like red raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil and castor oil are commonly suggested for inducing labor. But once again there is no scientific data which is available on this, but they can be tried with care and precautions and do not forget to talk to your doctor before using any kind of herbal remedies as they can have side effects and may not be safe for everyone. 

5. Stress Reduction and Relaxation 

Physical, emotional or mental stress can actually delay labor, so finding ways to relax and reduce anxiety is actually very important. Techniques such as prenatal yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises and warm baths can help the body be prepared for labor. Creating a calm and a supportive environment is also very crucial for promoting relaxation.

Stress delay labor

6. Acupuncture and Acupressure 

Acupuncture and acupressure have been used for centuries to help induce labor. In Chinese medicine, it is believed to balance the vital energy within the body. It might also stimulate changes in hormones or in the nervous system. 

These techniques involving stimulating specific points on the body to promote uterine contractions and cervical dilatation. According to a research paper, the main benefit of acupuncture was to increase the cervical brightening. But once again, it is crucial to seek a qualified practitioner only with experience in this field and also experience in maternity care. 

7. Membrane Stripping or Sweeping 

This is another very effective and natural method to induce labor without taking any drug. But this method should not be tried except by experienced and highly skilled birth attendant or should be done at hospital by your healthcare provider. It's simple and easy, OPD procedure, not very painful and actually a very effective way to induce labor naturally. 

Membrane stripping or sweeping of the membranes is a procedure which is performed by your gynecologist or the healthcare provider that involves inserting a gloved finger into the cervix and separating the amniotic sac from the uterine wall. This can release prostaglandins and encourage the labor to start. But only a trained professional or your doctor should perform this procedure.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique and eventually the labor will start when your body and your baby are ready for it. While natural methods can help encourage the process, they are not guaranteed to work and should not be relied upon exclusively. 

Why Doctors Induce Labor at Hospital 

Induction of labor at hospital

Medical induction of labor may be recommended for various reasons such as:

1. Post-dated or post-term pregnancies, various institutes may induce labor anytime between 40 to 42 weeks depending upon maternal and baby's health. 

2. Premature rupture of membranes, which means that your water bag has ruptured but the pains have not yet started.

3. Gestational diabetes or hypertension. In such cases, the doctors like to plan the delivery between 37 to 38 weeks. 

4. Intrauterine growth restriction, which means that the baby is not growing well inside.

5. Another reason for induction of labor could be decreased amniotic fluid, decreased amniotic fluid is a sign that the baby is not getting good blood supply inside.

6. Another reason could be intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Many pregnant women would be experiencing a lot of itching in pregnancy and many times this itching could be because of pregnancy condition which is known as cholestasis of pregnancy. 

In such cases, the doctor plans a delivery so that this baby will do better outside because this baby will get things better outside than being inside his mother's womb. 

7. And so on.


Remember, every pregnancy is unique and eventually the labor will start when your body and your baby are ready for it. While natural methods can help encourage the process, they are not guaranteed to work and should not be relied upon exclusively.