Fatty liver or hepatic steatosis is a condition where the liver is overloaded with fat, which can cause inflammation and damage to the liver cells. If you don't pay attention and leave it untreated, it can lead to complications such as liver failure, high blood pressure, diabetes and other various issues.
So, in today's post, we will talk about 8 early signs that indicate you have fatty liver, and also, in the end, we'll discuss some lifestyle changes and home remedies to heal your liver. Before moving on, this post is for educational purposes only, so do consult your doctor if you have any medical issues.
1. Right Shoulder Pain
A common early sign of fatty liver disease is pain or tightness in the right shoulder, neck, jaw, or beneath the shoulder blade. This happens as the liver produces bile, a fluid stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine to help digest fats, and absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins E and K.
But, when the liver becomes congested with fat, the bile can thicken and become trapped, leading to inflammation and swelling in both the liver and gallbladder. This swelling puts pressure on the phrenic nerve, causing referred pain in the upper right muscles of the back and neck.
2. Pot belly.
A big bulging belly or excess fat around the midsection could suggest the presence of fat building up in the liver. Once the liver has reached its limit for storing fat, it begins to distribute the excess fat to other areas of the body in the form of subcutaneous or visceral fat, typically located around the abdomen or under the skin.
The release of pro-inflammatory chemicals by visceral fat can raise blood pressure, causing hypertension, while also affecting insulin sensitivity, resulting in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, an abundance of visceral fat is associated with a higher likelihood of developing chronic conditions like cirrhosis and liver cancer.
3. Rib pain
If you ever experience right-sided rib pain, it's possible that it's not just a pulled muscle or a minor strain. In fact, this type of pain can be caused by a buildup of bile sludge in your liver or gallbladder. Bile sludge is a thick, gel-like substance that forms when bile acids, bilirubin, cholesterol, and other substances accumulate and thicken in the bile ducts.
This congestion can cause irritation and pressure on the cartilage in your ribs, leading to significant pain. This is especially true if you're overweight or have other health conditions that put extra stress on your liver and gallbladder.
4. Spider veins
Individuals with fatty liver disease often struggle with hormonal imbalances, including elevated estrogen levels, which can cause spider veins to appear on the skin. These veins, marked by small red dots with reddish extensions, occur because the liver cannot effectively filter out excess hormones. When estrogen accumulates in the body, it increases blood flow and pressure in superficial veins, weakening them and causing the characteristic spider-like pattern, especially on the face and legs.
Understanding the link between liver health and spider veins can help individuals address underlying liver damage and improve their overall well-being.
5. Man developing boobs
As previously mentioned, individuals that suffer from fatty liver disease experience an excessive amount of estrogen level in the body, and as the estrogen levels rise in the body it can lead to gynecomastia, the development of female-like breast tissue in men.
This condition typically begins with a lump of fatty tissue forming under the nipple, which can become painful or tender to the touch. The excess estrogen stimulates breast tissue growth, leading to physical changes that can be distressing and uncomfortable.
6. Swollen feet.
Swollen feet, legs or ankle are common sign of liver damage, as the liver plays a crucial role in maintaining blood flow and fluid balance in the body, so when the liver is not functioning properly it can't make a certain protein called albumin which is responsible for keeping the fluids in the bloodstream.
Without it the fluid leaks into tissues, and causes swelling which is known as pitting edema. The swelling may be more pronounced on one side due to how blood is circulated in the body, with the right side sometimes being more affected in cases of liver-related issues.
7. Itchy hands or feet
When the liver gets filled with fat it becomes unable to excrete bile and gets clogged up, leading to the release of bile into the bloodstream, after which it gets accumulated under the skin leading to a buildup of histamines in the body. Which is a chemical that can cause irritation or itchy sensation on the soles of your feet or the palms of your hand.
8. Fatigue
According to some studies, it is seen that individuals with a fatty liver are very prone to feel lethargic because of the liver's impaired ability to produce bile, and in the absence of bile, our body can't absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as carotenoids from plants. As a result, it leads to a deficiency in antioxidants that protect your cells from damage.
This lack of nutrients and antioxidants can leave you feeling weak, tired, and sluggish, as your body lacks the essential tools to maintain energy and vitality. Consequently, fatty liver significantly contributes to feelings of fatigue. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's advisable to see a doctor and request an ultrasound to check for fatty deposits in the liver.
How to Remove Excess Fat from your Liver Naturally
Now that we are aware of certain indicators of a fatty liver, let's talk about some lifestyle changes that will help you eliminate excess fat from your liver and promote natural healing.
1. Cut out vegetable oils
Avoid or reduce your intake of vegetable oils such as margarine, soy oil, corn, cottonseed, canola, and processed olive oil. Fast foods and packaged foods are often cooked in these cheap oils, so start cooking your own healthy meals at home using healthy alternatives like organic raw coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and cold-pressed avocado oil.
These healthier fats are rich in nutrients like vitamin E, which helps to dissolve scar tissue inside the liver.
2. Use Digestive Enzymes Supplements
Start taking a good quality digestive enzyme supplement on an empty stomach one hour before each meal, which contains purified bile, pancreatin, and betaine HCl. These help to thin out the bile in your liver so that it can dissolve excess fat and clean out the organ.
We also recommend taking 300mg CDP choline if you wish. This lipotropic nutrient helps to improve the quality of your own bile, the detergent that breaks down fat.
3. Cut back on sugar
Reduce sugar and starch-based foods like sweets, breads, biscuits, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Replace these with anti-inflammatory foods including wild fish, salmon, grass-fed meats, and pasture-raised eggs. These are rich in choline and lecithin, nutrients that actively strip fat off the liver. Eat lots of organic, sulfur-rich vegetables such as garlic, asparagus, onions, and leeks, along with cruciferous vegetables like brussels sprouts, radishes, cauliflower, and broccoli.
Sulfur helps the enzymes in your liver to break down fat and detoxify harmful substances in your body, like alcohol.
4. Include milk thistle extract in your diet
Take 150mg milk thistle extract 2-3 times per day to help detox your liver. This herb is loaded with selimerin, a compound that boosts glutathione production.
This is the master antioxidant that heals and regenerates damaged liver cells and regulates inflammation throughout the entire body.
5. Stop snacking and increase your fasting
To help your liver recover, you need to stop snacking and eating frequently throughout the day to allow time to dissolve existing fat. Intermittent fasting is a great way to do this, where you eat all of your calories for the day in an 8-hour window and fast for the remaining 16 hours.
Fasting triggers a process called autophagy, where your liver can recycle old scar tissue and damaged proteins and turn them into new, usable proteins for hepatocytes.
6. Stabilise your blood sugar
To help fix fatty liver disease, stabilize blood sugars, and help your body absorb more nutrients, start drinking 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoon raw lemon juice mixed with 500ml of water every morning on an empty stomach. This drink is loaded with acetic acid, citric acid, and vitamin C that helps to cleanse the liver, reduce fat storage, and help your liver release more bile.
This is one of the most healing yet simple health tonics in the world.