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GargaÉ—i na musamman

Wannan gidan yanar gizo anyi shi ne kawai saboda ilmantar da mutane game da kiwon lafiya na zamani ta hanyar asibiti da kuma jan hankalin al'ummar Hausawa da sauran mutane domin su daina dogaro da wasu magungunan gargajiya da basu da tushe. Saboda haka dukkan rubutu ko Ć™asidun da ke cikin wannan shafi baza su taÉ“a maye gurbin ganin likita ko zuwa asibiti ba. 

Bugu da Ć™ari, marubucin wannan gidan yanar gizo ya barranta kansa ga duk wani kuskure da ya faru ta hanyar amfani da wannan shafi. 

Haƙƙin mallaka

Ba'a yadda wani wanda ba likita ba yayi amfani da wani rubutu ko wata Ć™asida a cikin wannan gidan yanar gizo yaje waje yana bada magani  ba. 

Ba'a kuma yarda wani ya saci wani sashe na wannan shafi ya wallafa wani wuri ba tare da izinin ainihin marubuci ba.